Sorry, I'm further north than that, helping with a bttt though
Sad emo
JoinedPosts by Sad emo
anyone in Bristol?
by veradico ini'm visiting for the next week and would love to make new friends here in britain.
pm me if you don't want to announce your location publicly.
Music recommendations for young man born-in
by Eyes Open ini'm just about to buy a cd or two for a born-in relative of mine.
he's expecting the cd's to be delivered to him.
do any of you have recommendations of music which might be good for a born-in to hear?
Sad emo
Have a listen to some Starsailor lyrics and see what you think
Calling all UK residents
by jstalin ini have a few questions for uk residents:.
1. what is the average income in the uk?
for instance, in the usa the average income is about $32,000 a year.
Sad emo
As of November last year, average earnings were £457/week
A-ha --ha -ha- hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!
Oh to be on averarge earnings lol! It's really an anomalous figure because the top earners (of who there are very few) are factored into the calculation. Never mind...
There's also council tax which is based on your property value and goes to pay for local services such as refuse collection, street lighting, public libraries, police and fire services etc. The amount you pay depends on your local councils budget. My local councils tax for the lowest house valuation range this year is about £880 (for the year) - about $1700
If you should find yourself out of work, the Government has decreed that you can live on £60.50 per week (app $118) - this should buy all your food, clothing, pay travel costs and all your utility bills as well as mortgage and any other loans/credit cards etc if you didn't take out payment protection cover on them. You would get housing rent paid however, as well as most or all of your council tax.
Apparently I ruined my mom's life.
by reneeisorym inin the course of a conversation (it started with the fact that the convention is in town and i work near the site and i was stressing because my family was across the street) i asked my mom if she was upset because i made her choose between me and her family.
she couldn't answer.
after silence she said, "i always said i would die for you so i guess we'll see.
Sad emo
YOU didn't make her choose and YOU haven't ruined your mom's life.
She's responsible for her own actions and feelings.
Is being searched by your employer EVERY day legal?
by Gill ini am in the middle of induction training for a new job at a local store that is one of the uk's largest hardware stores.. today we were told it was company policy that every staff member is searched everyday before they leave the shop.
you cannot, under any circumstances leave the store until you have been searched both your bag and person and sometimes you car also searched.. your handbag has to be emptied and searched, your pockets have to be emptied and you have to take off whatever clothes you are told to take off including shoes, roll up your shirt above waist level if you are a woman and loosen the waist band of your trousers.. if i am right, even the police are not permitted to search anyone without due cause and i already feel 'violated' at the thought that i will have to go through this humiliation everyday.
this shop basically sells toiletries, garden stuff etc and insist that half of their theft if from staff.. however, we were also told that shoplifters cannot be stopped unless they have been followed all round the store and their is 100% knowledge that they have stolen something as a stop and search would get the store into terrible trouble.. so, am i correct in thinking that these people are going to violate my human rights every day!.
Sad emo
Wilkinsons have probably the tightest and best security of any stores in the UK. Any potential shoplifters reading this - DON'T do it at Wilkinsons - you are 99% certain to get caught!
I didn't realise the security extended to the staff though. I suppose some folks might think that with it being a 'cheaper' end store, it's an easy target and sadly there is a black market even for dog food and toilet roll!
I'm surprised that they take the search policy to such an extreme too. Unfortunately, if you sign a contract agreeing to these searches your hands are pretty much tied as far as rights go.
Sad emo
Beating the crap out of him like he is beating the crap out of his brother shows love.
Who says reprimand/punishment = beating the crap out of the child??
That's not justice, that's abuse and you know it perfectly well.
Try bringing it to a NORMAL parent-child relationship and you MIGHT just like the analogy better
by compound complex indear friends,.
much of what we do on a daily basis is routine and of no particular, earth-shaking importance.
however, after reviewing letters of family going back to wwii, it is fascinating to read what dad was doing on board the aircraft carrier in the pacific on any old day, what mom was cooking on her ever-steaming range, how i was dealing with the roller coaster of emotion at bethel [mom saved all my letters], how nana wrote that she would not study with the witnesses [per my request] but 'here are some mittens i knitted for you when you canvass new york with your magazines.
Sad emo
Start my new job tomorrow
It's doing scientific work which is what I'm trained in - going back to my roots in a way!
My feet, arms, wrists and lungs certainly won't miss the job I've left behind!! I think I'll miss a couple of my Polish colleagues though.
Sad emo
Justice doesn't limit love. Justice may be executed as a result of love.
I'll probably get a pasting for this as usual cos people here don't seem to like the parent-child analogy...
if you have two children and one is bullying the other constantly, is it a show of love or hate to reprimand/punish the one who is in the wrong?
Subjective "truths"?
by Narkissos inthis is somehow related to my previous topic on "truth and freedom" ( and to an even more recent exchange with hamilcarr on the issue of "authority" of scripture/writing, on the fringe of another thread ( truth in the "objective" sense implies a strict and exclusive correspondence of language and fact (or, more modestly, perceived "phenomenon").
the kind of correspondence (whether provable or not, that is still another issue) which is sought in both "scientific" and "fundamentalistic" speech.
once the signifiants (words) and the signifies (phenomena) are accurately defined, an assertion can be qualified as either "true" or "false" (tertium non datur: there is no "third" option, according to the famous aristotelic principle).
Sad emo
The objective truth that 'grass is green' must have, at some point been somebody's subjective truth. It is only 'grass' because somebody gave it that name, the same with 'green' - and then green was only relatively recently in history further defined with the discovery of the electromagnetic spectrum and other 3-D colour definitions (CIELAB etc) when it was given a measured definition. But what if one day we discover that green isn't green after all, its actualy pink?!
All in all, its a bit like Orwell's 1984 - if the 'powers that be' decide/discover tomorrow that 2+2 actually equals 5, then it would become so...
I guess I'm not entirely convinced that any objective truth exists!
by compound complex indear friends,.
much of what we do on a daily basis is routine and of no particular, earth-shaking importance.
however, after reviewing letters of family going back to wwii, it is fascinating to read what dad was doing on board the aircraft carrier in the pacific on any old day, what mom was cooking on her ever-steaming range, how i was dealing with the roller coaster of emotion at bethel [mom saved all my letters], how nana wrote that she would not study with the witnesses [per my request] but 'here are some mittens i knitted for you when you canvass new york with your magazines.
Sad emo
Inland Revenue, mayhaps?
Lol - Believe it or not I did apply for a job with them - and the Employment/benefits office...
I was too bright for them though!